Lars Bekkema
Product designer and front-end developer
Profile photo

Hello, I'm Lars. I'm currently building user experiences using React and TypeScript at in London, previously with HackerOne in San Francisco.

First of all, welcome to my personal slice of the internet. It’s good to have you here! 👋🏻

I've been building websites since I was about eleven years old. My very first website was a website about cheat codes for computer games. Nowadays, I spend most of my time writing code, creating features and building design systems as a front‑end developer at

My goal is to create engaging, accessible and performant interfaces for the people who use them. I'm someone who gets excited about making products that shine in simplicity, are useful and a joy to use.

My favorite projects are ones where I'm involved in the whole problem-solving process. Think of starting from ideation and conceptualizing (including sketching, prototyping, and designing) to validating and eventually shipping the ideas.

Want to get in touch with me? You can find me on Twitter, GitHub, and LinkedIn. If you wish to contact me and say hi or give me feedback just drop me a message at
